Making hardware chic and easy

Making hardware chic and easy

There's something mysterious and unexpected about teaming accessories covered in emblems not usually considered feminine such as spiders, chains, skulls and spikes with more traditionally romantic items such as a sheer, floaty blouse or pretty floral dress. It's a powerful way to inject a real edge into your spring look.

Our new Goddess collection of stackable earrings is all about stepping into your power as a woman and finding your inner goddess, but without losing your rebellious streak.

Laura took inspiration from the original rebels, the Goddesses of Ancient Greece and Rome for these exquisite new pieces.

"Whether you're channelling your inner Athena or Aphrodite, our new pieces allow you to create a daring, feminine stack.

From spikes to spiders and skulls to chains, these pieces allow you to express
your individuality and dress your ears in a style as unique as you."

Shop our new Goddess collection here.

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